Google Analytics 4 Values

Options for event_parameters -> value and user_parameters -> value when static = false

call_ididUnique ID of the phone call
call_type_idcall_type_idId of call type
call_typecall_typeCall type name/label
number_idnumber_idId of the tracking number
group_idgroup_idGroup the call is associated with
group_namegroup_nameName of the Group that the call is associated with
time_zone_idtime_zone_idId of the Time Zone assigned to the Group and in which the call took place
group_owner_idgroup_owner_idId of group owner for the Group
study_namestudy_nameName assigned to the Tacking Number
group_owner_namegroup_owner_nameName of the Group Owner associated to the Group
billing_group_idbilling_group_idId of Billing Group associated to theGroup
billing_group_namebilling_group_nameName of Billing Group associated to theGroup
number_pool_idnumber_pool_idId of the pool of tracking numbers
caller_identitycaller_identityUnique identity value for the caller
organization_idorganization_idglobal organization identifier of the call
call_answer_status_idanswer_status_idId of answer status
call_answer_statusanswer_statusAnswer status of the phone call
call_ring_durationring_durationDuration in seconds for how long a phone call was ringing before being answered
call_durationcall_durationDuration in seconds of how long the phone calls lasted
caller_registered_DNCregistered_DNCFlag indicating if the caller is on the Do Not Call list
tracking_numbertracking_numberTracking Number that was called
caller_numbercaller_numberPhone Number of the caller
termination_numbertermination_numberPhone Number that the call was forwarded
call_routing_keypressrouting_keypressIf Key Press routing was enabled for the number, this field will contain the value entered by the consumer
call_routing_segment_namesegment_nameSegment name
call_start_timestart_timeTime the call was initiated relative to the time zone of the Campaign the Tracking Number is associated with. This time is used when calculating usage for billing purposes.
call_answer_timeanswer_timeTime the call answered relative to the time zone of the Campaign the Tracking Number is associated with. This time is used when calculating usage for billing purposes.
call_end_timeend_timeTime the call ended relative to the time zone of the Campaign the Tracking Number is associated with. This time is used when calculating usage for billing purposes.
call_start_time_utcstart_time_utcTime the call was initiated in UTC
call_answer_time_utcanswer_time_utcTime the call was answered in UTC
call_end_time_utcend_time_utcTime the call ended in UTC
call_statusstatusCurrent status of the call
call_tagscall_tagsList of all Call tag Ids applied to the call
caller_typecaller_details.caller_typeDefines the type of phone number the call came from
caller_citycaller_details.caller_cityCity of the caller
caller_statecaller_details.caller_stateState/Province of the caller
caller_zip_codecaller_details.caller_zip_codeZIP Code/Postal Code of the caller
caller_countrycaller_details.caller_countryTwo letter country code of the caller
caller_latitudecaller_details.caller_latitudeLatitude of the caller as defined by their Area Code (NPA) and Exchange (NXX)
caller_longitudecaller_details.caller_longitudeLongitude of the caller as defined by their Area Code (NPA) and Exchange (NXX)
caller_agerichdata.ageAge of the caller
caller_genderrichdata.genderGender of the caller
caller_lengthOfResidencerichdata.lengthOfResidenceYears at current residence
caller_incomerichdata.incomeEstimated income of the caller
caller_marriedrichdata.marriedIndicates the marital status of the caller
caller_dateOfBirthrichdata.dateOfBirthBirth year and month of the caller
caller_educationrichdata.educationHighest level of education completed by the caller
caller_homeOwnerrichdata.homeOwnerIndicates whether the caller is a homeowner or a renter
caller_mobileHomerichdata.mobileHomeIndicates whether the caller's home is classified as a mobile home
caller_poolOwnerrichdata.poolOwnerIndicates whether the caller has a pool at their home
caller_firePlacerichdata.firePlaceIndicates whether the caller has a fire place in their home
caller_singleParentrichdata.singleParentIndicates whether the caller is a single parent
caller_hhSeniorrichdata.hhSeniorIndicates whether there is a senior living at the caller address
caller_creditCardrichdata.creditCardIndicates whether the caller is a known user of a Credit Card
caller_wealthNetWorthrichdata.wealthNetWorthEstimated net worth of the caller
caller_charityDonorrichdata.charityDonorIndicates whether the caller has donated to a charity in the past
caller_dwellTyperichdata.dwellTypeType of home that the caller lives in
caller_marketHomeValuerichdata.marketHomeValueMarket value of the caller's home
caller_presenceOfChildrenrichdata.presenceOfChildrenIndicates whether the caller has children
caller_childrenrichdata.childrenIndicates the number of children in the caller household
caller_childAgeRangesrichdata.childAgeRangesIndicates the age ranges of all children present in the caller household
caller_ethnicityrichdata.ethnicityIndicates whether the caller is identified to be of a particular ethnicity
caller_vehicleLuxuryrichdata.vehicleLuxuryIndicates if the caller owns a luxury vehicle
caller_vehicleSuvrichdata.vehicleSuvIndicates if the caller owns a SUV
caller_vehicleTruckrichdata.vehicleTruckIndicates if the caller owns a pickup truck
call_record_fileconversation_analytics.call_record_fileUnique ID of the Call Recording file
call_record_redactionconversation_analytics.call_record_redactionTrue/False flag if redaction was performed on the call recording
call_record_urlconversation_analytics.voice_linkURL to the call recording
call_transcriptconversation_analytics.transcriptTranscription of the call recording
leaddispositions.leadIndicator of whether the call was scored as a Lead
voicemaildispositions.voicemailIndicator that the call ended with a VoiceMail
current_customerdispositions.current_customerIndicator that the call Caller is an existing customer of the Business
telemarketerdispositions.telemarketerIndicator that the call was from a business seeking to sell a product or service
employment_inquirydispositions.employment_inquiryIndicator that the call Caller was seeking employment or verification of employment
conversationdispositions.conversationIndicator that a conversation took place on the call between caller and the business
opportunitydispositions.opportunityIndicator that there was an opportunity to make a sale/appointment
appointmentdispositions.appointmentIndicator that a sale/appointment was made on the call
abandondispositions.abandonIndicator that the call was abandoned by the Caller
no_agentdispositions.no_agentIndicator that the call was answered but there was no response from the Agent
no_callerdispositions.no_callerIndicator that the call was answered but there was no response from the Caller
dni_rule_descriptionattribution_details.rule_descriptionDescription (Name) of the DNI rule that was triggered by the caller
dni_rule_idattribution_details.rule_idID of the DNI rule that was triggered by the caller
dni_session_idattribution_details.session_idUnique session id created when a website visitor arrives at a page with DNI
dni_session_identifierattribution_details.session_identifierUnique session id created when a website visitor arrives at a page with DNI
utm_campaignattribution_details.utm_campaignutm_campaign parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool
utm_termattribution_details.utm_termutm_term parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool
utm_sourceattribution_details.utm_sourceutm_source parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool
utm_mediumattribution_details.utm_mediumutm_medium parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool
utm_contentattribution_details.utm_contentutm_content parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool
gclidattribution_details.gclidGoogle Click ID, parameter passed in the URL with ad clicks, to identify the campaign and other attributes of the click associated with the ad for ad tracking and campaign attribution
wbraidattribution_details.wbraidURL parameter to help comply with Apple's policies and help you measure the results of your ads on iOS used for app to web measurement
gbraidattribution_details.gbraidURL parameter to help comply with Apple's policies and help you measure the results of your ads on iOS used for web to app measurement
msclkidattribution_details.msclkidMicrosoft Click ID, parameter passed in the URL with ad clicks, to identify the campaign and other attributes of the click associated with the ad for ad tracking and campaign attribution
landing_page_urlattribution_details.landing_page_urlURL of the landing page that a website user arrives on or mapped to the Number/Pool
referrer_urlattribution_details.referrer_urlURL of the referrer responsible for bringing a user to a webpage with DNI enabled
dni_multisession_flagattribution_details.multisession_flaga true/false that indicates whether more than 1 website visitor has seen the same Tracking Number within the match period configured for a Number Pool
dni_ip_addressattribution_details.ip_addressIP Address of the device used by the user of the DNI session
dni_device_longitudeattribution_details.device_longitudeLongitue coordinates of the device used by the user of the DNI session
dni_device_latitudeattribution_details.device_latitudeLatitude coordinates of the device used by the user of the DNI session
lead_tracking_tag_idsession_tag.lead_tracking_tag_idId of lead tracking tag.
lead_tracking_tag_datasession_tag.lead_tracking_tag_dataLead tracking tag data.
lead_tracking_timestampsession_tag.timestampTime the lead tracking tag was created
conversion_value_totalconversion_details.attributed_valueTotal value of conversions attributed back to the call
conversion_countconversion_details.attributed_conversionsNumber of conversions attributed to the call
conversion_stageconversion_details.conversion_stagePercentage representation of consumer purchase journey completed
conversion_idconversion_details.marchex_conversion_idUnique ID of Conversion attributed to a Call
conversion_transaction_idconversion_details.transaction_idIngested Identifier provided by User, CRM, or POS
conversion_timestampconversion_details.conversion_timestampTimestamp of the conversion
conversion_valueconversion_details.conversion_valueValue of the conversion
conversion_ingestion_timestampconversion_details.ingestion_timestampTimestamp of conversion ingestion by Marchex
google_tracking_idgoogle_analytics.tracking_idThe tracking ID / web property ID. The format is UA-XXXX-Y. All collected Google Analytics data is associated by this ID.
google_user_idgoogle_analytics.user_idThis is intended to be a known identifier for a user provided by the site owner/library user
google_campaign_mediumgoogle_analytics.campaign_mediumSpecifies the campaign medium.
google_client_idgoogle_analytics.client_idThis pseudonymously identifies a particular user, device, or browser instance
google_referrergoogle_analytics.referrerSpecifies which referral source brought traffic to a website. This value is also used to compute the traffic source
google_locationgoogle_analytics.locationThe geographical location of the user. The geographical ID should be a two letter country code or a criteria ID representing a city or region
google_pagegoogle_analytics.pageFull URL of the page on which content resides
google_screen_resolutiongoogle_analytics.screen_resolutionSpecifies the screen resolution.
google_screen_colorsgoogle_analytics.screen_colorsSpecifies the screen color depth.
google_viewport_sizegoogle_analytics.viewport_sizeSpecifies the viewable area of the browser / device.
google_flash_versiongoogle_analytics.flash_versionSpecifies the flash version.
google_encodinggoogle_analytics.encodingSpecifies the character set used to encode the page / document.
google_java_enabledgoogle_analytics.java_enabledSpecifies whether Java was enabled.
google_languagegoogle_analytics.languageSpecifies the language
google_dimension_1google_analytics.dimension_1Google Custom Dimension 1
google_dimension_2google_analytics.dimension_2Google Custom Dimension 2
google_dimension_3google_analytics.dimension_3Google Custom Dimension 3
google_dimension_4google_analytics.dimension_4Google Custom Dimension 4
google_dimension_5google_analytics.dimension_5Google Custom Dimension 5
google_dimension_6google_analytics.dimension_6Google Custom Dimension 6
google_dimension_7google_analytics.dimension_7Google Custom Dimension 7
google_dimension_8google_analytics.dimension_8Google Custom Dimension 8
google_dimension_9google_analytics.dimension_9Google Custom Dimension 9
google_dimension_10google_analytics.dimension_10Google Custom Dimension 10
google_dimension_11google_analytics.dimension_11Google Custom Dimension 11
google_dimension_12google_analytics.dimension_12Google Custom Dimension 12
google_dimension_13google_analytics.dimension_13Google Custom Dimension 13
google_dimension_14google_analytics.dimension_14Google Custom Dimension 14
google_dimension_15google_analytics.dimension_15Google Custom Dimension 15
google_dimension_16google_analytics.dimension_16Google Custom Dimension 16
google_dimension_17google_analytics.dimension_17Google Custom Dimension 17
google_dimension_18google_analytics.dimension_18Google Custom Dimension 18
google_dimension_19google_analytics.dimension_19Google Custom Dimension 19
google_dimension_20google_analytics.dimension_20Google Custom Dimension 20
google_hit_typegoogle_analytics.hit_typeThe type of hit. Must be one of 'pageview', 'screenview', 'event', 'transaction', 'item', 'social', 'exception', 'timing'.
adobe_channeladobe_analytics.channelChannel name
adobe_visitor_idadobe_analytics.visitor_idUnique value that represents a customer in both the online and offline systems
adobe_campaignadobe_analytics.campaignCampaign name
adobe_page_nameadobe_analytics.page_nameFull URL of the page on which content resides
rescue_opportunityrescue.opportunityIdentifies the call as a Positive, Negative or Neutral rescue opportunity
rescue_minor_tagrescue.minor_tagMore granular definition of the opportunity
rescue_outcomerescue.outcomeIdentified the Outcome of the call as Conversation, Opportunity or Appointment
rescue_resultrescue.resultDescription of the call results giving details on the contents of the call
rescue_lastUpdaterescue.lastUpdateTimestamp of the last update made to the rescue status of the call.
number_custom_idnumber_custom_fields.number_custom_idUser defined custom fields for the Number
number_custom_field_1number_custom_fields.number_custom_field_1User defined custom fields for the Number
number_custom_field_2number_custom_fields.number_custom_field_2User defined custom fields for the Number
number_custom_field_3number_custom_fields.number_custom_field_3User defined custom fields for the Number
group_custom_idgroup_custom_fields.group_custom_idUser defined custom fields for the Group
group_custom_field_1group_custom_fields.group_custom_field_1User defined custom fields for the Group
group_custom_field_2group_custom_fields.group_custom_field_2User defined custom fields for the Group
group_custom_field_3group_custom_fields.group_custom_field_3User defined custom fields for the Group
group_custom_field_4group_custom_fields.group_custom_field_4User defined custom fields for the Group
group_owner_custom_field_1group_owner_custom_fields.group_owner_custom_field_1User defined custom fields for the Group Owner
group_owner_custom_field_2group_owner_custom_fields.group_owner_custom_field_2User defined custom fields for the Group Owner