Google Analytics 4 Values
Options for event_parameters -> value and user_parameters -> value when static = false
Value | Path | Description |
call_id | id | Unique ID of the phone call |
call_type_id | call_type_id | Id of call type |
call_type | call_type | Call type name/label |
number_id | number_id | Id of the tracking number |
group_id | group_id | Group the call is associated with |
group_name | group_name | Name of the Group that the call is associated with |
time_zone_id | time_zone_id | Id of the Time Zone assigned to the Group and in which the call took place |
group_owner_id | group_owner_id | Id of group owner for the Group |
study_name | study_name | Name assigned to the Tacking Number |
group_owner_name | group_owner_name | Name of the Group Owner associated to the Group |
billing_group_id | billing_group_id | Id of Billing Group associated to theGroup |
billing_group_name | billing_group_name | Name of Billing Group associated to theGroup |
number_pool_id | number_pool_id | Id of the pool of tracking numbers |
caller_identity | caller_identity | Unique identity value for the caller |
organization_id | organization_id | global organization identifier of the call |
call_answer_status_id | answer_status_id | Id of answer status |
call_answer_status | answer_status | Answer status of the phone call |
call_ring_duration | ring_duration | Duration in seconds for how long a phone call was ringing before being answered |
call_duration | call_duration | Duration in seconds of how long the phone calls lasted |
caller_registered_DNC | registered_DNC | Flag indicating if the caller is on the Do Not Call list |
tracking_number | tracking_number | Tracking Number that was called |
caller_number | caller_number | Phone Number of the caller |
termination_number | termination_number | Phone Number that the call was forwarded |
call_routing_keypress | routing_keypress | If Key Press routing was enabled for the number, this field will contain the value entered by the consumer |
call_routing_segment_name | segment_name | Segment name |
call_start_time | start_time | Time the call was initiated relative to the time zone of the Campaign the Tracking Number is associated with. This time is used when calculating usage for billing purposes. |
call_answer_time | answer_time | Time the call answered relative to the time zone of the Campaign the Tracking Number is associated with. This time is used when calculating usage for billing purposes. |
call_end_time | end_time | Time the call ended relative to the time zone of the Campaign the Tracking Number is associated with. This time is used when calculating usage for billing purposes. |
call_start_time_utc | start_time_utc | Time the call was initiated in UTC |
call_answer_time_utc | answer_time_utc | Time the call was answered in UTC |
call_end_time_utc | end_time_utc | Time the call ended in UTC |
call_status | status | Current status of the call |
call_tags | call_tags | List of all Call tag Ids applied to the call |
caller_type | caller_details.caller_type | Defines the type of phone number the call came from |
caller_city | caller_details.caller_city | City of the caller |
caller_state | caller_details.caller_state | State/Province of the caller |
caller_zip_code | caller_details.caller_zip_code | ZIP Code/Postal Code of the caller |
caller_country | caller_details.caller_country | Two letter country code of the caller |
caller_latitude | caller_details.caller_latitude | Latitude of the caller as defined by their Area Code (NPA) and Exchange (NXX) |
caller_longitude | caller_details.caller_longitude | Longitude of the caller as defined by their Area Code (NPA) and Exchange (NXX) |
caller_age | richdata.age | Age of the caller |
caller_gender | richdata.gender | Gender of the caller |
caller_lengthOfResidence | richdata.lengthOfResidence | Years at current residence |
caller_income | richdata.income | Estimated income of the caller |
caller_married | richdata.married | Indicates the marital status of the caller |
caller_dateOfBirth | richdata.dateOfBirth | Birth year and month of the caller |
caller_education | | Highest level of education completed by the caller |
caller_homeOwner | richdata.homeOwner | Indicates whether the caller is a homeowner or a renter |
caller_mobileHome | richdata.mobileHome | Indicates whether the caller's home is classified as a mobile home |
caller_poolOwner | richdata.poolOwner | Indicates whether the caller has a pool at their home |
caller_firePlace | richdata.firePlace | Indicates whether the caller has a fire place in their home |
caller_singleParent | richdata.singleParent | Indicates whether the caller is a single parent |
caller_hhSenior | richdata.hhSenior | Indicates whether there is a senior living at the caller address |
caller_creditCard | richdata.creditCard | Indicates whether the caller is a known user of a Credit Card |
caller_wealthNetWorth | richdata.wealthNetWorth | Estimated net worth of the caller |
caller_charityDonor | richdata.charityDonor | Indicates whether the caller has donated to a charity in the past |
caller_dwellType | richdata.dwellType | Type of home that the caller lives in |
caller_marketHomeValue | richdata.marketHomeValue | Market value of the caller's home |
caller_presenceOfChildren | richdata.presenceOfChildren | Indicates whether the caller has children |
caller_children | richdata.children | Indicates the number of children in the caller household |
caller_childAgeRanges | richdata.childAgeRanges | Indicates the age ranges of all children present in the caller household |
caller_ethnicity | richdata.ethnicity | Indicates whether the caller is identified to be of a particular ethnicity |
caller_vehicleLuxury | richdata.vehicleLuxury | Indicates if the caller owns a luxury vehicle |
caller_vehicleSuv | richdata.vehicleSuv | Indicates if the caller owns a SUV |
caller_vehicleTruck | richdata.vehicleTruck | Indicates if the caller owns a pickup truck |
call_record_file | conversation_analytics.call_record_file | Unique ID of the Call Recording file |
call_record_redaction | conversation_analytics.call_record_redaction | True/False flag if redaction was performed on the call recording |
call_record_url | conversation_analytics.voice_link | URL to the call recording |
call_transcript | conversation_analytics.transcript | Transcription of the call recording |
lead | dispositions.lead | Indicator of whether the call was scored as a Lead |
voicemail | dispositions.voicemail | Indicator that the call ended with a VoiceMail |
current_customer | dispositions.current_customer | Indicator that the call Caller is an existing customer of the Business |
telemarketer | dispositions.telemarketer | Indicator that the call was from a business seeking to sell a product or service |
employment_inquiry | dispositions.employment_inquiry | Indicator that the call Caller was seeking employment or verification of employment |
conversation | dispositions.conversation | Indicator that a conversation took place on the call between caller and the business |
opportunity | dispositions.opportunity | Indicator that there was an opportunity to make a sale/appointment |
appointment | dispositions.appointment | Indicator that a sale/appointment was made on the call |
abandon | dispositions.abandon | Indicator that the call was abandoned by the Caller |
no_agent | dispositions.no_agent | Indicator that the call was answered but there was no response from the Agent |
no_caller | dispositions.no_caller | Indicator that the call was answered but there was no response from the Caller |
dni_rule_description | attribution_details.rule_description | Description (Name) of the DNI rule that was triggered by the caller |
dni_rule_id | attribution_details.rule_id | ID of the DNI rule that was triggered by the caller |
dni_session_id | attribution_details.session_id | Unique session id created when a website visitor arrives at a page with DNI |
dni_session_identifier | attribution_details.session_identifier | Unique session id created when a website visitor arrives at a page with DNI |
utm_campaign | attribution_details.utm_campaign | utm_campaign parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool |
utm_term | attribution_details.utm_term | utm_term parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool |
utm_source | attribution_details.utm_source | utm_source parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool |
utm_medium | attribution_details.utm_medium | utm_medium parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool |
utm_content | attribution_details.utm_content | utm_content parameter captured when a user arrives at a site where DNI occurs or mapped to the Number/Pool |
gclid | attribution_details.gclid | Google Click ID, parameter passed in the URL with ad clicks, to identify the campaign and other attributes of the click associated with the ad for ad tracking and campaign attribution |
wbraid | attribution_details.wbraid | URL parameter to help comply with Apple's policies and help you measure the results of your ads on iOS used for app to web measurement |
gbraid | attribution_details.gbraid | URL parameter to help comply with Apple's policies and help you measure the results of your ads on iOS used for web to app measurement |
msclkid | attribution_details.msclkid | Microsoft Click ID, parameter passed in the URL with ad clicks, to identify the campaign and other attributes of the click associated with the ad for ad tracking and campaign attribution |
landing_page_url | attribution_details.landing_page_url | URL of the landing page that a website user arrives on or mapped to the Number/Pool |
referrer_url | attribution_details.referrer_url | URL of the referrer responsible for bringing a user to a webpage with DNI enabled |
dni_multisession_flag | attribution_details.multisession_flag | a true/false that indicates whether more than 1 website visitor has seen the same Tracking Number within the match period configured for a Number Pool |
dni_ip_address | attribution_details.ip_address | IP Address of the device used by the user of the DNI session |
dni_device_longitude | attribution_details.device_longitude | Longitue coordinates of the device used by the user of the DNI session |
dni_device_latitude | attribution_details.device_latitude | Latitude coordinates of the device used by the user of the DNI session |
lead_tracking_tag_id | session_tag.lead_tracking_tag_id | Id of lead tracking tag. |
lead_tracking_tag_data | session_tag.lead_tracking_tag_data | Lead tracking tag data. |
lead_tracking_timestamp | session_tag.timestamp | Time the lead tracking tag was created |
conversion_value_total | conversion_details.attributed_value | Total value of conversions attributed back to the call |
conversion_count | conversion_details.attributed_conversions | Number of conversions attributed to the call |
conversion_stage | conversion_details.conversion_stage | Percentage representation of consumer purchase journey completed |
conversion_id | conversion_details.marchex_conversion_id | Unique ID of Conversion attributed to a Call |
conversion_transaction_id | conversion_details.transaction_id | Ingested Identifier provided by User, CRM, or POS |
conversion_timestamp | conversion_details.conversion_timestamp | Timestamp of the conversion |
conversion_value | conversion_details.conversion_value | Value of the conversion |
conversion_ingestion_timestamp | conversion_details.ingestion_timestamp | Timestamp of conversion ingestion by Marchex |
google_tracking_id | google_analytics.tracking_id | The tracking ID / web property ID. The format is UA-XXXX-Y. All collected Google Analytics data is associated by this ID. |
google_user_id | google_analytics.user_id | This is intended to be a known identifier for a user provided by the site owner/library user |
google_campaign_medium | google_analytics.campaign_medium | Specifies the campaign medium. |
google_client_id | google_analytics.client_id | This pseudonymously identifies a particular user, device, or browser instance |
google_referrer | google_analytics.referrer | Specifies which referral source brought traffic to a website. This value is also used to compute the traffic source |
google_location | google_analytics.location | The geographical location of the user. The geographical ID should be a two letter country code or a criteria ID representing a city or region |
google_page | | Full URL of the page on which content resides |
google_screen_resolution | google_analytics.screen_resolution | Specifies the screen resolution. |
google_screen_colors | google_analytics.screen_colors | Specifies the screen color depth. |
google_viewport_size | google_analytics.viewport_size | Specifies the viewable area of the browser / device. |
google_flash_version | google_analytics.flash_version | Specifies the flash version. |
google_encoding | google_analytics.encoding | Specifies the character set used to encode the page / document. |
google_java_enabled | google_analytics.java_enabled | Specifies whether Java was enabled. |
google_language | google_analytics.language | Specifies the language |
google_dimension_1 | google_analytics.dimension_1 | Google Custom Dimension 1 |
google_dimension_2 | google_analytics.dimension_2 | Google Custom Dimension 2 |
google_dimension_3 | google_analytics.dimension_3 | Google Custom Dimension 3 |
google_dimension_4 | google_analytics.dimension_4 | Google Custom Dimension 4 |
google_dimension_5 | google_analytics.dimension_5 | Google Custom Dimension 5 |
google_dimension_6 | google_analytics.dimension_6 | Google Custom Dimension 6 |
google_dimension_7 | google_analytics.dimension_7 | Google Custom Dimension 7 |
google_dimension_8 | google_analytics.dimension_8 | Google Custom Dimension 8 |
google_dimension_9 | google_analytics.dimension_9 | Google Custom Dimension 9 |
google_dimension_10 | google_analytics.dimension_10 | Google Custom Dimension 10 |
google_dimension_11 | google_analytics.dimension_11 | Google Custom Dimension 11 |
google_dimension_12 | google_analytics.dimension_12 | Google Custom Dimension 12 |
google_dimension_13 | google_analytics.dimension_13 | Google Custom Dimension 13 |
google_dimension_14 | google_analytics.dimension_14 | Google Custom Dimension 14 |
google_dimension_15 | google_analytics.dimension_15 | Google Custom Dimension 15 |
google_dimension_16 | google_analytics.dimension_16 | Google Custom Dimension 16 |
google_dimension_17 | google_analytics.dimension_17 | Google Custom Dimension 17 |
google_dimension_18 | google_analytics.dimension_18 | Google Custom Dimension 18 |
google_dimension_19 | google_analytics.dimension_19 | Google Custom Dimension 19 |
google_dimension_20 | google_analytics.dimension_20 | Google Custom Dimension 20 |
google_hit_type | google_analytics.hit_type | The type of hit. Must be one of 'pageview', 'screenview', 'event', 'transaction', 'item', 'social', 'exception', 'timing'. |
adobe_channel | | Channel name |
adobe_visitor_id | adobe_analytics.visitor_id | Unique value that represents a customer in both the online and offline systems |
adobe_campaign | adobe_analytics.campaign | Campaign name |
adobe_page_name | adobe_analytics.page_name | Full URL of the page on which content resides |
rescue_opportunity | rescue.opportunity | Identifies the call as a Positive, Negative or Neutral rescue opportunity |
rescue_minor_tag | rescue.minor_tag | More granular definition of the opportunity |
rescue_outcome | rescue.outcome | Identified the Outcome of the call as Conversation, Opportunity or Appointment |
rescue_result | rescue.result | Description of the call results giving details on the contents of the call |
rescue_lastUpdate | rescue.lastUpdate | Timestamp of the last update made to the rescue status of the call. |
number_custom_id | number_custom_fields.number_custom_id | User defined custom fields for the Number |
number_custom_field_1 | number_custom_fields.number_custom_field_1 | User defined custom fields for the Number |
number_custom_field_2 | number_custom_fields.number_custom_field_2 | User defined custom fields for the Number |
number_custom_field_3 | number_custom_fields.number_custom_field_3 | User defined custom fields for the Number |
group_custom_id | group_custom_fields.group_custom_id | User defined custom fields for the Group |
group_custom_field_1 | group_custom_fields.group_custom_field_1 | User defined custom fields for the Group |
group_custom_field_2 | group_custom_fields.group_custom_field_2 | User defined custom fields for the Group |
group_custom_field_3 | group_custom_fields.group_custom_field_3 | User defined custom fields for the Group |
group_custom_field_4 | group_custom_fields.group_custom_field_4 | User defined custom fields for the Group |
group_owner_custom_field_1 | group_owner_custom_fields.group_owner_custom_field_1 | User defined custom fields for the Group Owner |
group_owner_custom_field_2 | group_owner_custom_fields.group_owner_custom_field_2 | User defined custom fields for the Group Owner |
Updated almost 2 years ago