Sales Rescue Webhooks
Marchex Sales Rescue Webhooks allows you to register endpoints to receive HTTP requests with Call Data enhanced with Sales Rescue results. You can create new Webhooks by configuring them within Marketing Edge. Note that this requires Administrator access.
Types of Webhooks
New Rescue Call - Will trigger the webhook whenever a new call is processed that has a rescue result/outcome
Updated Rescue Call - Will trigger the webhook whenever the rescue status of a call have been updated (Saved or Confirmed Lost)
You can configure webhooks within the client account in Marketing Edge under the “Settings” -> “Webhooks” menu. You can configure a callback URL that we will send an HTTP POST request to after each call is completed. Additionally, any time a call object is modified within the call log, we will send an HTTP POST request to the given URL as well. This allows you to avoid polling our API endpoints for updates to inbound calls.
To configure the Sales Rescue webhooks you will first select the Rescue (New) option for the Collections list

Sample Response
"Id": "4247036a252541348fe5acfc95deb41b",
"Attempt": 1,
"Properties": {
"CollectionType": "SalesRescueNew",
"UTC": "2021-04-30T17:36:38.747",
"Organization": "test:5d9e5db0-8c57-46f8-bbbf-5f6c030f78fb",
"RequestId": "e9a4cbcb-3de0-441b-9b14-d4801cf5ccab",
"Scenario": "TEST"
"Notifications": [
"Action": "SalesRescueNew.NewRescueCall",
"Incomplete": false,
"TelmetricsId": 121212121212,
"TelmetricsStudyID": 111111,
"CalledNumber": "5555555555",
"TerminationNumber": "7777777777",
"StartTime": "4/30/2021 1:31:38 PM",
"AnswerTime": "4/30/2021 1:32:08 PM",
"EndTime": "4/30/2021 1:36:38 PM",
"MonitorStartTime": "4/30/2021 5:31:38 PM",
"MonitorEndTime": "4/30/2021 5:36:38 PM",
"RegisteredDNC": false,
"AnswerStatus": "Answered",
"RingCount": 2,
"CallSeconds": 10,
"CallerNumber": "2222222222",
"CallerName": "John Doe",
"CallerStreet": "123 Main Street",
"CallerCity": "DENVER",
"CallerState": "CO",
"CallerZip": "",
"CallerAddress": "DENVER CO",
"CallerType": "Cell",
"TimeZone": "Eastern",
"VoiceRecordID": "70837c3b-5fd4-4fee-acf0-314281d21fab",
"Latitude": null,
"Longitude": null,
"OrganizationID": 4703,
"VoiceRecordingUrl": "",
"VoiceMailDetected": false,
"VoiceTrends": {
"Lead": null,
"VoiceMail": null
"OrgGroupID": 44444,
"OrgGroupName": "sub organization name",
"StudyDetails": {
"StudyID": 11111,
"CustomID": "",
"CustomText": "",
"CustomText2": "",
"CustomText3": ""
"AdDetails": {
"AdDefinitionID": 22222,
"CustomID": "",
"CustomText": "text",
"CustomText2": "text 2",
"CustomText3": "text 3",
"CustomText4": "text 4",
"AdDefinitionName": "ad name"
"AdvertiserDetails": {
"AdvertiserID": 33333,
"ClientCode": "",
"CustomText": "",
"CustomText2": "",
"AdvertiserName": "advertiser name"
"AttributionDetails": {
"SessionId": "23c147d9-d380-4983-8ae0-a2eca58d6d36",
"RuleDescription": "Google Paid Channel Lab R",
"LandingPageUrl": "",
"ReferrerUrl": "",
"MultisessionFlag": false,
"device_longitude": 0,
"device_latitude": 0,
"root_dnisessionstudyid": 0,
"sessiondata": "{\"googleAnalyticsCookie\":{\"trackingId\":\"UA-12345-1\",\"clientId\":\"1234567.123456789\",\"referrer\":\"\",\"location\":\"\",\"screenResolution\":\"1920x1200\",\"screenColors\":\"24-bit\",\"viewportSize\":\"912x1052\",\"encoding\":\"UTF-8\",\"javaEnabled\":\"False\",\"language\":\"en-us\"},\"adobeAnalyticsCookie\":null,\"sessionIdentifier\":\"23c147d9-d380-4983-8ae0-a2eca58d6d36\"}",
"page_variables": "",
"GoogleAnalytics": {
"TrackingId": "UA-1234567-1",
"ClientId": "1234567.123456789",
"Referrer": "",
"Location": "",
"ScreenResolution": "1920x1200",
"ScreenColors": "24-bit",
"ViewportSize": "912x1052",
"Encoding": "UTF-8",
"JavaEnabled": "False",
"Language": "en-us"
"rescue": {
"group_ID": 13215418,
"opportunity": "Neutral",
"result": "Customer Say They Will Call Back",
"lastUpdate": "4/30/2021 5:36:38 PM"
"Id": "c57c20d877264482a81d99715a00e852",
"Attempt": 1,
"Properties": {
"CollectionType": "SalesRescueNew",
"UTC": "2021-04-30T17:36:41.325",
"Organization": "test:64559d20-50a4-4469-bf6d-238d63a1a1a2",
"RequestId": "9a755cc7-29b4-4342-b279-e0315ce20d9d",
"Scenario": "TEST"
"Notifications": [
"Action": "SalesRescueNew.UpdatedRescueCall",
"Incomplete": false,
"TelmetricsId": 121212121212,
"TelmetricsStudyID": 111111,
"CalledNumber": "5555555555",
"TerminationNumber": "7777777777",
"StartTime": "4/30/2021 1:31:41 PM",
"AnswerTime": "4/30/2021 1:32:11 PM",
"EndTime": "4/30/2021 1:36:41 PM",
"MonitorStartTime": "4/30/2021 5:31:41 PM",
"MonitorEndTime": "4/30/2021 5:36:41 PM",
"RegisteredDNC": false,
"AnswerStatus": "Answered",
"RingCount": 2,
"CallSeconds": 10,
"CallerNumber": "2222222222",
"CallerName": "John Doe",
"CallerStreet": "123 Main Street",
"CallerCity": "DENVER",
"CallerState": "CO",
"CallerZip": "",
"CallerAddress": "DENVER CO",
"CallerType": "Cell",
"TimeZone": "Eastern",
"VoiceRecordID": "70837c3b-5fd4-4fee-acf0-314281d21fab",
"Latitude": null,
"Longitude": null,
"OrganizationID": 4703,
"VoiceRecordingUrl": "",
"VoiceMailDetected": false,
"VoiceTrends": {
"Lead": null,
"VoiceMail": null
"OrgGroupID": 44444,
"OrgGroupName": "sub organization name",
"StudyDetails": {
"StudyID": 11111,
"CustomID": "",
"CustomText": "",
"CustomText2": "",
"CustomText3": ""
"AdDetails": {
"AdDefinitionID": 22222,
"CustomID": "",
"CustomText": "text",
"CustomText2": "text 2",
"CustomText3": "text 3",
"CustomText4": "text 4",
"AdDefinitionName": "ad name"
"AdvertiserDetails": {
"AdvertiserID": 33333,
"ClientCode": "",
"CustomText": "",
"CustomText2": "",
"AdvertiserName": "advertiser name"
"rescue": {
"group_ID": 13215418,
"opportunity": "Positve",
"result": "Appointment - Booked",
"lastUpdate": "2021-04-06T16:50:58.8757704Z"
Call Processed Detail are not included in Rescue Webhooks
Details on Keyword Spotting, Custom Vocabulary and Call Tags are not returned as part of the Sales Rescue Webhooks, to receive these details use the CallProcessed event of the Call Details webhook collection.
Updated almost 4 years ago