Call Webhooks


Marketing Edge Webhooks allow you to register endpoints to receive HTTP requests with Call Data. You can create new Webhooks by configuring them within the Marketing Edge portal. Note that this requires Administrator access.

Types of Webhooks

Call Preprocessed (Post-Call Webhook) - The Call Preprocessed webhook executes immediately after the phone call has completed. It contains the partial data about the call, as described below.

Call Processed (Call Modified Webhook) - The Call Processed webhook is sent when a call has been updated after it has ended to include caller information, scoring and transcribing the call, and when the call recording is available for review.


Additional Post Call Processing

Some post call processing which can incur lengthy delays are either not currently supported (Conversion Ingestion events), or use dedicated webhooks (Sales Rescue)

Call Start - The Call Start webhook is sent as soon as a call is made to a Tracking Number. This webhook will contain name and address matching (when available), as well as attribution details


You can also configure webhooks within the client account under the “Settings” -> “Webhooks” menu. You can configure a callback URL that we will send an HTTP POST request to after each call is completed. Additionally, any time a call object is modified within the call log, we will send an HTTP POST request to the given URL as well. This allows you to avoid polling our API endpoints for updates to inbound calls.

Sample Response

  "Id": "3071d2dae4b24d619afad2eddcd05e7b",
  "Attempt": 1,
  "Properties": {
    "CollectionType": "CallDetails",
    "UTC": "2019-11-15T14:10:03.252",
    "Organization": "4062",
    "RequestId": "e9b2d7c1-5876-4f83-a887-52dc7eb55566"
  "Notifications": [
      "Action": "CallDetails.CallPreprocessed",
      "OrganizationId": 4062,
      "Incomplete": true,
      "TelmetricsId": 2079571437,
      "TelmetricsStudyID": 8470718,
      "CalledNumber": "8669592359",
      "TerminationNumber": "9052198236",
      "StartTime": "2019-11-15T09:09:54",
      "AnswerTime": "2019-11-15T09:09:56",
      "EndTime": "2019-11-15T09:10:03",
      "MonitorStartTime": "2019-11-15T14:09:53.564",
      "MonitorEndTime": "2019-11-15T14:10:02.972",
      "AnswerStatus": 1,
      "SmsResponse": null,
      "RingCount": 1,
      "CallSeconds": 7,
      "CallerNumber": "9055552955",
      "TimeZone": "Eastern",
      "RegisteredDNC": null,
      "CallerName": "John Smith",
      "CallerStreet": "2220 Marine Drive",
      "CallerCity": "Lansing",
      "CallerState": "MI",
      "CallerZip": "40293",
      "CallerAddress": "2220 Marine Drive, Lansing, MI, 40293",
      "CallerType": null,
      "VoiceRecordID": null,
      "Latitude": null,
      "Longitude": null,
      "VoiceRecordingUrl": null,
      "VoiceMailDetected": null,
      "VoiceTrends": null,
      "RouteKey": null,
      "SegmentName": null,
      "CallTranscript": null,
      "OrgGroupID": 4062,
      "OrgGroupName": "ABC Company",
            "MonitorStartTime": null,
      "MonitorEndTime": null,
      "CallTags": {
        "TagIDs": []
      "StudyDetails": {
        "StudyID": 8470718,
        "CustomID": "",
        "CustomText": "",
        "CustomText2": "",
        "CustomText3": ""
      "AdDetails": {
        "AdDefinitionID": 4250816,
        "CustomID": "",
        "CustomText": "",
        "CustomText2": "",
        "CustomText3": "",
        "CustomText4": "",
        "AdDefinitionName": "ABC Company"
      "AdvertiserDetails": {
        "AdvertiserID": 5969255,
        "ClientCode": "",
        "CustomText": "",
        "CustomText2": "",
        "AdvertiserName": "Always Avacado DNI Demo"
      "AttributionDetails": null
    "HttpMethod": "POST",
    "URL": "http://win5ui1:80/receive",
    "Headers": {
        "Connection": "Keep-Alive",
        "Content-Length": "709",
        "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
        "Expect": "100-continue",
        "Host": "win5ui1",
        "ms-signature": "sha256=E82C1574D449EEAC07E6532F29A14370EB03FB7589B7DD8F4FA53189BCD9F2EB",
        "x-PublicKey": "4662F088F821DF150AD475B678CB723E",
        "x-Source-system": "Telmetrics Inc."
    "RequestBody": {
        "Id": "647e8029bf9e432582bd746e9f8ee6d9",
        "Attempt": 1,
        "Properties": {
            "CollectionType": "CallDetails",
            "UTC": "2016-05-04T17:17:41"
        "Notifications": [
                "Action": "CallDetails.CallProcessed",
                "TelmetricsId": 1793078638,
                "TelmetricsStudyID": 7232746,
                "CalledNumber": "6123159846",
                "TerminationNumber": "9052198287",
                "StartTime": "2016-05-04T13:17:24",
                "AnswerTime": "2016-05-04T13:17:32",
                "EndTime": "2016-05-04T13:17:42",
                "MonitorStartTime": "2016-11-15T14:09:53.564",
                "MonitorEndTime": "2016-11-15T14:10:02.972",
                "AnswerStatus": "Answered",
                "RingCount": 2,
                "CallSeconds": 10,
                "CallerNumber": "4167370693",
                "CallerName": "",
                "CallerStreet": "",
                "CallerCity": "TORONTO",
                "CallerState": "ON",
                "CallerZip": "",
                "CallerAddress": "TORONTO ON",
                "TimeZone": "Eastern",
                "Incomplete": true,
                "OrgGroupId": 1234,
                "VoiceRecordingUrl": "",
                "VoiceMailDetected": false,
                "VoiceTrends": {
                    "Lead": null,
                    "VoiceMail": null
                "CallTranscript": "Caller: And put on Agent: Come Caller: our DO Agent: for Caller: NOT Agent: a moment Caller: CALL Agent:. Caller: LIST press 1 to speak with someone about possibly extending or reinstating your car's warranty again and press 1 to speak with a warranty specialist. ",
                "CallSummary": "Agent describing the company and enumerate the routing possibilities to the caller.",
                "SentimentSuite": {
                    "satisfied": false,
                    "frustrated": false,
                    "sentiment": "neutral",
                    "view_of_business": "negative",
                    "view_of_business_reason": "The caller did not have a substantial conversation with the agent and seemed dissatisfied with the outcome.",
                    "concern_class": "other - misinterpretation of caller's sentiment",
                    "sentiment_summary": "The caller expressed gratitude and appreciation multiple times, which indicates a positive interaction. The mention of charges being well received also suggests satisfaction with the service provided."
                "ConversationAnalytics": {
                    "LeadOutcome": {
                        "LeadReason": "Appointment Booked",
                        "Appointment": "true",
                        "Lead": "true"
                    //LeadValue is Dynamically populated based on configured industry signals
                    //LeadValue for Dental
                    "LeadValue": {
                        "InsuranceDiscussed": "false",
                        "InsuranceProvider": "n/a",
                        "InsuranceReferral": "false",
                        "OtherProductOrService": [
                        "CustomerType": "new",
                        "ProductOrService": [
                    //Lead Value for Home Services
                    "LeadValue": {
                    		"ServiceLine": "exterior",
		                    "ProductOrService": [
                		    "CustomerType": "new",
                    		"MaintenanceOrNewSystem": "n/a",
                    		"AgeOver10Years": "n/a"
                    //Topics are Dynamically populated based on configured industry signals
                    //Topics for Dental
                    "Topics": {
                        "PricingDiscussed": "false",
                        "SchedulingDiscussed": "true",
                        "WalkInDiscussed": "false",
                        "OtherTopics": []
          					//Topics for Home Services
                    "Topics": {
                        "PricingDiscussed": "false",
                        "SchedulingDiscussed": "true",
                        "OtherTopics": [
                          "hours or location"
                "keyword_lists": [
                        "keyword_list": [
                                "id": 234,
                                "name": "ListA",
                                "keywords": [
                                        "keyword": "car",
                                        "agent": "00:00:00|00:01:04",
                                        "caller": "00:00:00|00:00:03"
                                        "keyword": "bus",
                                        "agent": "00:00:00|00:01:04",
                                        "caller": "00:00:00|00:00:03"
                                "id": 234,
                                "name": "ListB",
                                "keywords": [
                                        "keyword": "plane",
                                        "agent": "00:00:00|00:01:04",
                                        "caller": "00:00:00|00:00:03"
                                        "keyword": "train",
                                        "agent": "",
                                        "caller": "00:00:00|00:00:03"
                "StudyDetails": {
                    "StudyID": 1234,
                    "CustomID": 1234,
                    "CustomText": "1234",
                    "CustomText2": "1234",
                    "CustomText3": "1234"
                "AdDetails": {
                    "AdDefinitionId": 1234,
                    "CustomID": 1234,
                    "CustomText": "1234",
                    "CustomText2": "1234",
                    "CustomText3": "1234",
                    "CustomText4": "1234"
                "AdvertiserDetails": {
                    "AdvertiserId": 1234,
                    "ClientCode": 1234,
                    "CustomText": "1234",
                    "CustomText2": "1234"
                "AttributionDetails": {
                    "SessionId": 999,
                    "RuleDescription": "abc -",
                    "LandingPagURL:": "",
                    "ReferrerURL": "",
                    "MultisessionFlag": true,
                    "utm_campaign": "testcampaign",
                    "utm_term": "testing",
                    "utm_source": "google",
                    "utm_medium": "search",
                    "utm_content": "banner1",
                    "ip_address": "",
                    "user_agent": "mozilla 11.4",
                    "session_tag": {
                        "tag_id": 1293291,
                        "tag_data": "sample tag data",
                        "tag_time": "2016-05-04T13:17:24"
  "Id": "5eead1ab66254c5a89dfd0a2b0d4248e",
  "Attempt": 1,
  "Properties": {
    "CollectionType": "CallDetails",
    "UTC": "2019-11-15T14:09:52.267",
    "Organization": "4062",
    "RequestId": "ba359b4e-18ca-497b-bd3e-c6570f254139"
  "Notifications": [
      "Action": "CallDetails.CallStartCall",
      "CallDate": "2019-11-15T14:09:45.591",
      "CalledNumber": "8669592359",
      "CallerNumber": "9055802958",
      "OrgGroupName": "Telmetrics Demo",
      "OrgGroupID": 4062,
      "OrganizationID": 4062,
      "RouteKey": null,
      "CallerDetails": {
        "PhoneNumber": "9055802958",
        "Name": "ONTARIO CALLER",
        "Address": null,
        "City": null,
        "Zip": null,
        "State": null,
        "ShortZip": null,
        "RichData": null
      "StudyDetails": {
        "StudyID": 8470718,
        "CustomID": null,
        "CustomText": null,
        "CustomText2": null,
        "CustomText3": null
      "AdDetails": {
        "AdDefinitionID": 4250816,
        "CustomID": null,
        "CustomText": null,
        "CustomText2": null,
        "CustomText3": null,
        "CustomText4": null
      "AdvertiserDetails": {
        "AdvertiserID": 5969255,
        "ClientCode": null,
        "CustomText": "",
        "CustomText2": ""
      "AttributionDetails": {
        "SessionId": "eb74e7c6-36ae-434e-a6b6-0b977440db1e",
        "RuleDescription": "Global Replacement   - Toll Free",
        "LandingPageUrl": "",
        "ReferrerUrl": "",
        "ip_address": "",
        "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.87 Safari/537.36",
        "session_tag": null